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Thursday, February 4, 2010

How can you tell when its election time?

Have you noticed that it’s that special time of year again?

How can you tell when its election time? Well, when Democrats who have spent their kids and their great great grandkids future earnings during the feast of taxpayer dollars have all of a sudden found austerity! Well not exactly austerity but at least they are channeling their disgusted, busted and impoverished constituents... like Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln.

It's not rare for a handful of members of Congress to turn on a president of the same party during an off-presidential election year, especially when that president's poll numbers are low. But the vehemence with which some Democrats are separating themselves from the president's this year strikes me as a bit over the top. Republicans didn't even run this far from former President George W. Bush in 2006, despite their party's alleged reputation for fiscal restraint and the extent to which Mr. Bush went to destroy that reputation.

Just like the scum that they are, now they are starting to talk out of both sides of their rear-ends....trying to back away from their crook-in-chief, not that they dont get up and cheer everytime he snatches alittle more of our liberties and freedoms, but they now have to appear that they are for the people and that "that big bad president" is the cause of everyones problems!

From the L.A. Times:

A Democratic Senate candidate in Missouri denounced the budget's sky-high deficit. A Florida Democrat whose congressional district includes the Kennedy Space Center hit the roof over NASA budget cuts. And a headline on the 2010 campaign website of Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) blares her opposition to Obama's farm budget: "Blanche stands up for Arkansas farm families."

Of course Chairman MaObama spent all that sacred taxpayer money and lost touch with reality and his constituents all by his “wittle self wight!?”

Actually Blanche voted for the TARP bailout, for the Presidents first budget, for the Porkulus, Stimulus Succubus and most notoriously- not popular - with folks who go to work on Monday and make payroll on Friday - FOR ObamaCare.

But now she is a woman of the people, a tireless servant of the “Ar-Kansans” she represents. This would be hysterically funny if there weren’t more doublespeak from Blanche. Two days ago she blasted Obama for not spending ENOUGH of her constituents money, earned between Monday and payroll Fridays - on Agriculture and Farm subsidies.

There are other outraged stimulus supporters who now want to use Obama as a human voter shield. Central Floridas Suzanna Kosmas lashed out at Dear Leaders unimaginable, inhuman, meager 4% increase in NASA funds because we need [echo effect] Porkulus in outer space!![end effect]

This all leaves me wondering how the Tea Party voters who ostensibly want to stop unconstitutional spending, are going to react to that spending increase in THEIR district.

Will it be their cup of tea, or will it be bitters added to the tonic?

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The Patriot Act is Not Conservative

If Americans needed another reminder of why the Democratic Party is absolutely worthless, they got it during last week’s Patriot Act extension debate when Senate Majority leader Harry Reid again behaved exactly like the Bush-era Republicans he once vigorously opposed. In 2005, Reid bragged to fellow Democrats, “We killed the Patriot Act.” Today, Reid says that anyone who opposes the Patriot Act might be responsible for the killing of Americans. Dick Cheney now hears an echo and Americans deserve congressional hearings—as to whether Harry Reid is a sociopath, mere liar, or both.

Universal Healthcare is SLAVERY

Supporters of Universal Healthcare want to impose an individual mandate on all working Americans. By doing this, they are sanctioning slavery on the American People. On 09/09/09, President Obama addressed the Congress and the nation, stating that individuals would be required to purchase healthcare. Anyone who does not will be fined up to $1,900, thrown in prison, and fined an additional $25,000. This is a perfect example of government tyranny, and is more properly termed, "fascism." In any program designed to help others, there is always an option to withdraw or not participate. A person who doesn’t want to buy auto insurance can opt not to drive a car. A person who doesn’t want house insurance can rent instead of buying a house. In the case of healthcare, a tax is placed on the right to LIFE itself. We should remember that even the slavemasters of old were interested in the healthiness of their slaves. A person who cannot opt out is not free—he or she is nothing but a slave. Socialist programs like Social Security, Medicare, and the Draft all result in slavery or involuntary servitude. Now is the time to uphold the 13th Amendment by defeating Unconstitutional Healthcare.

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