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Saturday, March 27, 2010

A letter addressed to the liberal media and barack obama

You and your co-workers are constantly knocking the right and leaving out what the left does on a daily basis, why dont you try telling the truth for once if you think your on the right side of history......
why the deception? Dont you have any trust in what you believe in??

We're going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a President who also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay ...his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke.
What could possibly go wrong?

Since obama signed his america destroying healthcare bill into law all I have been hearing from the left is how violent the right is......
how racist we are, how close minded we are......
What do we do about Washington Post columnists who incite violence against conservatives?
The (White)Wash Post's Metro columnist Courtland Milloy told us that, "in addition to wanting to spit on Tea Party activists, he'd really like to "knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads."
Will Democrats be lining up to denounce this?

Where was this concern when Liberals were openly advocating the assassination of President Bush?
What do we do about prominent Democrats/Liberals who incite violence against conservative figures?

Sandra Bernhardt said she'd like to see Sarah Palin GANG RAPED. Chris Matthews fantasized on-air about seeing Rush Limbaugh SHOT IN THE HEAD. Bill Maher says he wishes Glenn Beck had been SHOT TO DEATH.
Where is the outrage from our concerned, caring, liberal friends?
Where are the Democrats?
Have they no decency?
Why haven't they denounced these horrific statements?


You claim to be so smart, yet on a daily basis you go out of your way to show your ignorance and bias....
I know that you see what congress and the president are doing to our country, the constitution, and the american people......if you believe your so right then just be honest about what you believe and what you want, dont play games, twist words, or hide the truth...have faith in what you believe!

I enjoy posting some of your ignorant comments on my blog:
for all the world to see how different your thoughts are to my own.
I also believe you have the right to feel the way you do, and to your freedom of speech, what I dont agree with is your constant distortion of the facts to suit your liberal agenda.

This country is in bad shape, between obama and his liberal transformation, the media and their race/class baiting, the simple fact that we have a two party system that really are an extension of the same hand(there really is little difference between the republicans and democrats, except that the republicans want to creep towards their version of socialism and the democrats want to jump into socialism at warp speed)....and just the general attitude of the people who refuse to educate themselves on what I call,
"The liberal destruction of United States of America".

I can only hope that americans in general wake up to what the liberals are trying to do to this country before its too late, although I have very little faith that will happen, and your rhetoric on a daily basis proves that!

The founding fathers are turning in their graves as we speak, its a damn shame all that bloodshed to establish our sovereignty just to be thrown away 250 years later.... by people who want to conscript others to supply them with the goods and services that are not rightfully theirs.
This fight between the liberals and conservatives is not about healthcare, amnesty, welfare, or any other social program, its about freedom and liberty, its about our rights to be free from you, its about hard work and sacrifice, its about making something out of nothing, its about following our founding fathers and the founding document of this great nation. Its about restoring the greatness that was once The United States of America!

Thank you for your time to read this letter,
Christopher S

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The Patriot Act is Not Conservative

If Americans needed another reminder of why the Democratic Party is absolutely worthless, they got it during last week’s Patriot Act extension debate when Senate Majority leader Harry Reid again behaved exactly like the Bush-era Republicans he once vigorously opposed. In 2005, Reid bragged to fellow Democrats, “We killed the Patriot Act.” Today, Reid says that anyone who opposes the Patriot Act might be responsible for the killing of Americans. Dick Cheney now hears an echo and Americans deserve congressional hearings—as to whether Harry Reid is a sociopath, mere liar, or both.

Universal Healthcare is SLAVERY

Supporters of Universal Healthcare want to impose an individual mandate on all working Americans. By doing this, they are sanctioning slavery on the American People. On 09/09/09, President Obama addressed the Congress and the nation, stating that individuals would be required to purchase healthcare. Anyone who does not will be fined up to $1,900, thrown in prison, and fined an additional $25,000. This is a perfect example of government tyranny, and is more properly termed, "fascism." In any program designed to help others, there is always an option to withdraw or not participate. A person who doesn’t want to buy auto insurance can opt not to drive a car. A person who doesn’t want house insurance can rent instead of buying a house. In the case of healthcare, a tax is placed on the right to LIFE itself. We should remember that even the slavemasters of old were interested in the healthiness of their slaves. A person who cannot opt out is not free—he or she is nothing but a slave. Socialist programs like Social Security, Medicare, and the Draft all result in slavery or involuntary servitude. Now is the time to uphold the 13th Amendment by defeating Unconstitutional Healthcare.

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